Income Tax Filing - Partnership Firm
In case of a company or a firm irrespective of whether there is any income or loss or NIL income during the financial year, it is mandatory to file income tax return.
E filing of Income Tax return is compulsory if you want to claim income tax refund.
If you want to carry forward loss under any head of income, it is mandatory to file IT Return.
Types of Income a Partnership Firm may have
Business or Profesion
Capital Gains
Others-Interest Income, Gift, Winnings etc
Documents Required
Aadhar Cards of All partners
PAN Cards of all Partners and Partnership Firm
All Bank Account Statements in the name of the Partnership Firm
Income Tax Login Credentials
Business or Profesion
Books of Accounts: All the Books of Accounts maintained by Assessee either in soft copy or In physical form
GST Returns Documents (If applicable)
All other business related documents available
Capital Gains
Purchase Documents of the Assets
Sales Documents of the Assets
All other Invoices or Documents retlated to purchase and sale of the the Asset
Others-Interest Income, Gift, Winnings etc,.
All the other information related to Income (I,e, not covered under any of the above Incomes)
Other Documents - Deductions ( if any)
Donation paid receipts
Any tax savings investment details
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