Form AOC-4
Contains details and annexure relating to
Balance Sheet of the Company, Profit & Loss Account, Compliance Certificate, Registered Office Address, Register of Member, Shares and Debentures details, Debt details and information about the Management of the Company.
Due date - 29th October, every year.
Form MGT-7
Contains details of
Shareholding structure, change in directorship and details of the transfer of shares during the year if any etc.
Due date - 28th November, every year.
Form ADT-1
Filed for appointment of the auditor.
Due date - 14th October

Form DIR-3 KYC
Any Director holding approved DIN on or by 31st March, 2018 (Mandatory for disqualified Directors)
Due date - Sept 30, every year.
All specified companies should file a half-yearly return with the registrar for outstanding payments to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Due date - 30 April and 31 October.
Form DPT-3
Every company needs to file this return furnishing information about deposits and/or outstanding receipt of loan or money other than deposits.
Due date - June 30.
Change in the authorized capital or the paid-up capital of the company.
Giving loans to other companies
Allotment of new shares or transfer new shares
Appointment of managing or whole-time Director and their payment
Giving loans to Directors
If there is an appointment or change of the statutory auditors of the company
When a bank account is opened or closed, or there is a change in the signatories of a bank account.

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